Become a VIP and enjoy these exclusive benefits:
- Welcome Pack: a welcome Member Pack will be sent to you detailing your membership. This will include your complimentary welcome gift
- Complimentary Welcome Gift: a one time, welcome to the club exclusive tassel worth £50. Claim through your "Welcome to the VIP Club" email.
- Personal Loyalty Code: 10% site wide discount code that you can use all year round at any time - excluding sales collections
- Exclusive Events: join us for evenings with celebrity speakers and other interesting women with fascinating stories to marvel over
- First access to: sample sales, promotions and exclusive gifts.
- VIP Rewards Programme - access to our where we reward your loyalty with an exclusive complimentary VIP handbag or Gift when you reach spend levels, so that every penny you spend counts. The VIP bag is only available through the Rewards Programme
- VIP Clubroom: an online VIP only access Clubroom where all the behind the scenes stuff happens for VIP's
- Meet other VIP's: join in the fun in our , bursting with chat and support #BagsofJoy
- Subscription: £25 a year on recurring orders after first purchase
Please do not add any other articles to your order so we can ensure the processing occurs seamlessly
- Your Member Subscription will automatically renew on the anniversary of your membership. We will of course send you notifications so you can choose to decline
- Your Member Subscription will cancel in 12 months on the anniversary of your joining if you do not renew. All VIP benefits will cancel or lapse.
- You will lose access to the VIP Clubroom, your 10% off discount code, SHwap SHop, and exclusive member services
- Welcome gift applies to first time subscriptions only.
- Need more details or want to chat then drop us an email: